PICABEA Juan Facundo
Inclusive innovation and sustainable development in affordable habitat: from the linear intervention model to Social Technological Systems
Regions and Cohesion
Berghahn Books
Lugar: London; Año: 2018 vol. 8 p. 109 - 143
In the last thirty years, Latin America has seen a significant growth in a set of approaches, schools of thought and social movements, which posit that is impossible to effect a transformation in the region without processes focused on inclusion and democracy. Several decades were also devoted to reflecting on the relationship between technological innovation, development and social inclusion. However, recent analyses on some of these trends reveal the existence of linear and deterministic assumptions in the various models used to address the issue.The research question that guides this work is: what are the predominant obstacles in policies and practices on social-technologies that prevent us fort achieving integral and coherent sustainable development? Analyze the relationship between technology-social inclusion implies developing a heterogeneous theoretical approach, which makes it possible to overcome linear approaches, top-down responses and isolated solutions. From the analytical dimension to the regulatory, this work puts forward an inclusive and participatory development model.Unlike technological systems based on income maximization, private appropriation and benefit restriction, Social Technological Systems represent an intervention style promoting the socialization of goods and services, the democratization of control and decisions, and the empowering of communities. They are based on a systemic strategic vision: new development paths, new ways of thinking about problems and socio-technical solutions, new ways of exercising democracy.