BARREIRO Alicia Viviana
capítulos de libros
A developmental approach to remembering: the dialectical relation between collective memory and identity construction
Memory in the Wild
Information Age Publishing
Año: 2020; p. 127 - 142
This chapter points out how the SRs approach to memory may contribute to Brown and Reavy?s proposal of developing a conceptual framework which emphasises the relational and material grounding of acts of remembering. They suggest that memory should be understood as a distributed system that involves different forms of logic as well as environmental and spatial configurations from which it emerges. Such environmental configurations include the others with whom we interact, the practices which we have a stake in our personal stories, the settings where the past is made relevant and the material resources which participate in the process of remembering by way of their affordances. Considering SRs of the social groups? past experiences as a part of the memory system will extend their proposal via including the collective constructed narratives that attach specific meanings to both the environment settings and the autobiographical memories. Furthermore, SRs as a dimension of the memory distributed system makes it possible to appreciate how social groups? struggles to legitimize a version of past constrain individual process of remembering. In other words, SR perspective allows the inclusion of a social group?s history and its political nature in the ontogenesis of memory as a higher order psychological process.