RAIMUNDI Maria Julia
capítulos de libros
Fortalezas humanas en el deporte adolescente: Evaluación e intervenciones desde la promoción de la salud
Psicología del Deporte y Ciencias Aplicadas
Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
Lugar: Monterrey; Año: 2020; p. 17 - 38
Character strengths are a set of positive traits that manifest in an individual?s thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that can be developed through both life experiences and different Activities. Character strengths help individuals to build personal resources which, in turn, help them to attain other desirable outcomes. Sport and other physical activities are contexts for the development of values, virtues and character strengths for children and adolescents. However, only when positive values, fair play and sportsmanship are consistently taught these positive outcomes can be developed. Therefore, all sports contexts can become miniature ?support communities? where growth is stimulated from incentive, challenges, and social support. This chapter aims to address character strengths from its theoretical conceptualization to different assessment instruments, its applications in the field of research with adolescents and its implications in the specific field of sport. Different practical implications and life skilloriented interventions for sport psychologists' work to promote athletes? positive resources regarding both performance and the welfare are presented. Moreover, considering adolescents? social context (i.e. coaches and parents) some interventions are proposed so that from the current practices of psychology professionals, contexts for the development of character strengths can be created contributing to the well-being of children and adolescents through sports.