capítulos de libros
Prolegómenos para una cosmoestética materialista posthumana futura
Umbrales críticos. Aportes a la pregunta por los límites de lo humano
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
Lugar: Bogotá; Año: 2023; p. 183 - 204
Prolegomena to a Future Posthumanist Materialistic Cosmo-AestheticsAbstract:This paper outlines some of the elements, still scattered, required to analyze the conditions for a philosophical aesthetics capable of reflecting on aesthetic feelings and mythopoietics during these civilizing and environmental "times of catastrophes" in which the evidence of our mutually implicated ideas of humanity and world has been destroyed. Danowski and Viveiros de Castro have examined current philosophical discourses that tackle the issue of the end of the world as "attempts to invent a mythology suitable for the present". I intend to study some of the conditions for the aesthetics of this mythology of the present, taking as a starting point a comparison with the Kantian version of this philosophical discipline. In the first place, I put forth the hypothesis that materialism is an aesthetic; secondly, I discuss the Stengerian notion of cosmopolitics aiming to consider the conditions for a cosmo-aesthetics within that same framework; finally, I examine the conditions for a mythopoietic of the present based on an assessment of the “assistance” imagination may provide to a reason that has run out of ideas.