DIAZ Sandra Myrna
capítulos de libros
Biodiversity regulation of ecosystem services
Ecosystems and human well-being - Current State and Trends
Island Pres
Lugar: Washington, DC; Año: 2005; p. 297 - 329
Biodiversity, including the number, abundance, and composition of genotypes,  populations, species, functional types, communities, and landscape  units, strongly influences the provision of ecosystem services and  therefore human well-being (high certainty). Processes frequently affected  by changes in biodiversity include pollination, seed dispersal, climate regulation,  carbon sequestration, agricultural pest and disease control, and human  health regulation. Also, by affecting ecosystem processes such as primary  production, nutrient and water cycling, and soil formation and retention, biodiversity  indirectly supports the production of food, fiber, potable water, shelter,  and medicines.  Species composition is often more important than the number of species  in affecting ecosystem processes (high certainty). Thus, conserving or restoring  the composition of communities, rather than simply maximizing species  numbers, is critical to maintaining ecosystem services. Changes in species  composition can occur directly by species introductions or removals, or indirectly  by altered resource supply due to abiotic drivers (such as climate) or  human drivers (such as irrigation, eutrophication, or pesticides).  Although a reduction in the number of species may initially have small  effects, even minor losses may reduce the capacity of ecosystems for  adjustment to changing environments (medium certainty). Therefore, a  large number of resident species, including those that are rare, may act as  ‘‘insurance’’ that buffers ecosystem processes in the face of changes in the  physical and biological environment (such as changes in precipitation, temperature,  or pathogens).  Productivity, nutrient retention, and resistance to invasions and diseases  tend to increase with increasing species number in experimental ecosystems  that have been reduced to a small number of species (10 or fewer).  This is known with high certainty for experimental herbaceous ecosystems and  with low certainty for natural ecosystems, especially those dominated by longlived  species. In natural ecosystems these direct effects of biodiversity loss  may often be masked by other environmental changes that are caused by the  factors that resulted in the loss of biodiversity (such as eutrophication or climate  change). Nevertheless, human activities that cause severe reductions in  species number can directly impair these ecosystem services.  Preserving interactions among species is critical for maintaining longterm  production of food and fiber on land and in the sea (high certainty).  The production of food and fiber depends on the ability of the organisms involved  to successfully complete their life cycles. For most plant species, this  requires interactions with pollinators, seed disseminators, herbivores, or symbionts.  Therefore, land use practices that disrupt these interactions will have a  negative impact on these ecosystem services.  Intended or accidental changes in the composition of ecological communities  can lead to disproportionately large, irreversible, and often negative  alterations of ecosystem processes, causing large monetary and  cultural losses (high certainty). In addition to direct interactions, the maintenance  of ecosystem processes depends on indirect interactions, whose disruption  can lead to unexpected consequences. These consequences can occur  very quickly; for example, in a wide range of terrestrial, marine, and freshwater  ecosystems, the introduction of exotic species by humans has altered local  community interactions. Alternatively, these consequences may be manifest  only after a long time. For example, the intraspecific genetic diversity of certain  plant species decreases when the populations of their animal pollinators or  dispersers are reduced.  Invasion by exotic species, facilitated by global trade, is a major threat  to the biotic integrity of communities and the functioning of ecosystems.  Empirical evidence suggests that areas of high species richness (such as hot  spots) are more susceptible to invasion than species-poor areas. On the other  hand, within a given habitat the preservation of its natural species pool appears  to decrease its susceptibility to invasions. On the basis of our present theoretical  knowledge, however, we still cannot predict with accuracy whether a certain  organism will become a serious invader in a given ecosystem.  The extinction of local populations, or their reduction to the point that  they become functionally extinct, can have dramatic consequences in  terms of regulating and supporting ecosystem services. Local extinctions  have received little attention compared with global extinctions, despite the fact  that the former may have more dramatic ecosystem consequences than the  latter. Before becoming extinct, species become rare and their ranges contract.  Therefore their influence on ecosystem processes decreases, even if local  populations persist for a long time, well before the species becomes globally  extinct. We do not have sufficient knowledge to predict all the consequences  of these local extinctions. However, because they tend to be biased toward  particular organisms that depend on prevailing land uses and types, rather  than occurring at random, we can anticipate some of the most obvious impacts.  The properties of species are more important than species number in  influencing climate regulation (medium certainty). Climate regulation is in-  fluenced by species properties via effects on sequestration of carbon, fire regime,  and water and energy exchange. The traits of dominant plant species,  such as size and leaf area, and the spatial arrangement of landscape units are  particularly important in climate regulation. The functional characteristics of  dominant species are thus a key element determining the success of mitigation  practices such as afforestation, reforestation, slowed-down deforestation, and  biofuel plantations.