FLORES Gustavo Ernesto
capítulos de libros
Biodiversidad de Artrópodos Argentinos vol. 1
Ediciones Sur
Lugar: La Plata; Año: 1998; p. 241 - 243
An analysis of the present knowledge of thc family Perimylopidae in Argentina
is presented. Perimylopidae are represented in the country by five genera and 14 species.
Their taxonomic history, a table with specific diversity of the genera, and a list of the
institutions where types and other material were deposited are given. Most studies in the genera, and a list of the
institutions where types and other material were deposited are given. Most studies in
Argentina have dealt with adult taxonomy, and little is known about immature stages,
biology, ecology, physiology, phylogeny, and biogeography. Their scientific importance
is analyzed and main environmental changes that threat local faunas are mentioned.
The study shows an extensive speetrum of possibilities to undertake future researchs
in thc country.have dealt with adult taxonomy, and little is known about immature stages,
biology, ecology, physiology, phylogeny, and biogeography. Their scientific importance
is analyzed and main environmental changes that threat local faunas are mentioned.
The study shows an extensive speetrum of possibilities to undertake future researchs
in thc country.future researchs
in thc country.