LLUCH Andrea Mari
capítulos de libros
Longitudinal Study of Interlocking Directorates in Argentina and Foreign Firms? Integration into Local Capitalism, 1923-2000
The Power of Corporate Networks: A Comparative and Historical Perspective (Routledge International Studies in Business History)
Lugar: Londres-New York; Año: 2014; p. 257 - 275
This chapter focuses on factors that fueled changes and shifts in Argentinian interlocking directorates (IDs) throughout the twentieth century. Our research shows that the corporate networks built by Argentina´s largest firms never achieved a very cohesive structure and, by the mid-twentieth century, they lost any cohesiveness they might have had. During 1923-2000, board ties evolved into highly fragmented, uncoordinated networks. Until 1944, Argentina´s interlock directorships networks exhibited relatively stable cohesion. 1954 marks a transitional period in which IDs experienced a contrasting tale of two subnetworks; a stable core that became more cohesive and a smaller external periphery with weak connectivity. Structural changes in the late 1950s fostered deep changes in the corporate world, prompting a complete turnaround of the network core. By 2000, after another structural change, its main component disappeared and the corporate board network crumbled. We conclude that this historical path, from integration in the 1930s to a lack of cohesion in the 2000s, was driven mainly by changes in the economic structure of local capitalism, as well as by the number and profiles of directors with multiple board appointments and the dynamics operating within corporate leaders inner circle. ACLARACION: NO TENGO EL PDF FINAL YA QUE LA EDITORIAL NO MANDO COPIA EN PDF. SOLO NOS ENVIARON ESE DOCUMENTO EN LA ETAPA FINAL DE REVISION. LOS CAMBIOS EN LA VERSION FINAL FUERON MINIMOS.