MATEOS DIAZ Cristian Maximiliano
capítulos de libros
A Semi-automatic, Malleable Mobility Model for Rapid Prototyping of Mobile Agent Applications
Horizons in Computer Science Research
Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Lugar: Hauppauge, NY; Año: 2011; p. 193 - 220
Mobile agents have been successfully used for building massively distributed systems. In spite of the advantages the paradigm has shown, mobile agents are still somewhat underrated and hard to develop. Consequently, we proposed the Reactive Mobility by Failure (RMF) mobility model [Zunino et al., 2005] for simplifying mobile agent adoption and development. RMF enables the developer to non-intrusively delegate certain decisions about agent mobility to the underlying executing middleware. However, in its current shape, the model is not able to consider application-specific context, which may be helpful for making better decisions about mobility regarding execution performance and network usage. In this paper, we describe an extension of RMF aimed at improving the efficiency of RMF-based applications by allowing the programmer to tailor RMF according to his application requirements. In essence, the contribution of this paper is to show that it is possible to automate some mobility decisions via RMF, while keeping high levels of flexibility --the points of a mobile agent code at which the developer is allowed to use mobility-- and performance through the addition of custom mobility decisions. We have developed a Prolog-based prototype of our extended RMF model to enable the rapid implementation of mobile applications. Experimental results showing the advantages of the approach with respect to related approaches are also reported.