SANCHEZ Mariela Paula
The foreign countdown: Historical memory and the Spanish Civil War in contemporary Argentinian literature
Catalan Journal of Communication and Cultural Studies
University Rovira i Virgili
Lugar: Tarragona; Año: 2016 vol. 8 p. 45 - 61
Eight decades after the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War, this paper examines the ways in which the conflict continues to find its way into literature written on the other side ofthe Atlantic, seeking to revive the voices of the past in order to build ahistorical memory of the events. In this approach, investigations into the power of memory are conducted at the meeting point of two forms of distance from the original event: temporal and spatial. The body of texts considered forthis study comprises three novels: Tío Borís. Un héroe olvidado de la Guerra Civil Española (Graciela Mochkofsky 2006), Mika (Elsa Osorio 2012) and La abuela civil española (Andrea Stefanoni 2014), and the play Quince moños rojos (Silvia Ramos 2013). The analysis, which deals with the ways in which various narratives attempt to shape a memory of the defeated, is contextualized in relation to there-emergence in Argentina of a desire for greater insight into the Spanish conflict, a trend that is observed across various disciplines, such as law and history. At a time when the possibility of intergenerational transmission is becoming progressively remote, the focus on geographically defined mechanisms for the study of the past reveals the importance of developing universal approaches to the analysis of traumatic memories.