informe técnico
FINAL REPORT: radionuclide transfer factor from soil to plant and radionuclide vertical migration and distribution along soil profile in: tropical, subtropical and south american environments
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Producción Tecnológica:
Campo de Aplicación:
Sanidad ambiental-Proteccion contra radiaci
This report synthesizes the labour of members of the GEA-IMASL (Universidad Nacional de San Luis / Conicet, Argentina), in the framework of an IAEA contractual agreement, with the purpose of contributing to the new version of the IAEA - Handbook of Parameter Value for Predicting of Radionuclide transfer in temperate Environment Technical Reports Series n. 364.
According to the IAEA requirements, the work was focused to the following points:
I. Review of available information published in literature until 2005 and compilation of
databases of:
I.a. Radionuclide transfer factors from soil to plant;
I.b. Radionuclide vertical migration along soil profile; for tropical and subtropical environments and for South American countries.
II. The statistical elaboration of the created databases
III. The identification of information gaps in the available literature.
In total, 281 scientific works (books, journals, proceeding conferences, institutional reports and non published investigations) were consulted. Briefly, the compiled information consists of:
The radionuclide transfer factor for soil to plant data base (TF database) contains 2824 TF
values, for different radionuclides (mostly for radioisotopes of Cs and Sr but also of Mn, Zn, Po, Pb, Th, U and K). These values correspond to 15 different soils and 12 different plant groups identified in tropical environments, and 12 different soils and 11 different plant groups identified in subtropical environments.
The radionuclide vertical migration database (VM database) includes 88 parameter values
which characterize the vertical migration of different radionuclides in a wide spectrum of environmental conditions.
A statistical analysis of both databases was effectuated, which include the calculus of mean, geometric mean, standard deviation and range, for the key parameters of the different
combinations of identified soil and plant groups.
Through the compilation of the gathered information, gaps in the knowledge concerning both radionuclide soil to plant transfer and radionuclide soil vertical migration are discussed.