RESETT Santiago Alejandro
congresos y reuniones científicas
Promotion of Autonomy or Promotion of independence? Which Parenting Construct Better Predicts Psychosocial Functioning?
Encuentro; XIV Biennial Meeting de la Society for Research on Adolescence; 2012
Institución organizadora:
Society for Research on Adolescence
The concept of autonomy is one of the most controversial theoretical constructs in the literature of motivation, development, and well-being. Self-Determination Theory (SDT), developed by Deci and Ryan (Ryan et al., 2006), contends that autonomy, as well as competence and relatedness, is one of the three basic psychological needs shared by people from all cultures. SDT defines autonomy as a sense of volition and choicefulness. this study aims to demonstrate that First, Argentinean adolescents who perceived their parents as promoting higher levels of volitional functioning at age 19 showed a better concomitant and prospective psychosocial functioning than the other group. Second, Argentinean adolescents who perceived their parents as promoting higher levels of independence at age 19 showed higher concomitant and prospective externalizing problems than the other group. Third, Argentinean adolescents whose parents promoted higher volitional functioning but lower independence at age 19 showed a worse concomitant and prospective psychosocial functioning than the other group. we examined data from a longitudinal study that was designed to explore the broad picture of Argentinean young people socio-emotional development from adolescence to emerging adulthood. In Argentina, as predicted by Self Determination Theory, promotion of volitional functioning was associated with positive outcomes like lower internalizing problems, as shown in this study, and more satisfying family and peer relationships.