WASSERMAN Fabio Enrique
Practice without discourses and institutions without subjects. Collections of documents and Historical Institutes in the Rio de la Plata (1830-1860)
Almanaque Histórico Latinoamericano
Instituto de Historia Universal de la Academia de Ciencias de Rusia
Lugar: Moscu; Año: 2013 p. 60 - 77
Nota: dado que se trata de una publicación en ruso y que el Sigeva no reconoce caracteres del alfabeto cirílico, tanto el título del artículo como el abstract son presentados en inglés. This article examines some of the main features that historicism had in the mid 19th century Rioplatense culture. Its aim is to describe and analize a set of discourses, practices, representations and institutions that show both the diffusion of new concepts over history and how to know it, and the ways these conceptions took in a society with a highly conflictive public life. We will focus on three aspects: the failed tries to erect history institutes; the publications of documental colections without clear edition patterns; the existing consensus in the need of producing historic narratives, parallel to the recognition of the current impossibility of doing so, that led to the attempts of accumulating materials that could be used by the "future historian".