IDACOR   23984
Unidad Ejecutora - UE
congresos y reuniones científicas
Coordinador científico
Workshop; Social sciences and humanities in the changing North-South relations; 2015
Institución organizadora:
Idacor - Conicet - Unc
The aim of this conference is to discuss ways of understanding the dynamics, structures, and effects produced by international relations that are expressed in various disciplines, in different times and places. This means, basically, to doubt about the conventional assumptions of the relationship between academic spaces of the "north" and "south" countries, "developed" and "emerging", "metropolis" and "provinces" and other binary relations that guided the traditional thinking on this topic: What is the range of the domination of science produced in dominant countries (United States, France, England, etc.) in the field of SSH in a dominated country? What happens comparatively among disciplines (e.g., different international geographies drawn by philosophy, economics and anthropology) from the same country? To what extent certain facts evidenced in peripheral countries can be decisive to understand power struggles between academies of core countries? To what extent a peripheral academic place can become central? How is the loss of power of certain dominant academic centers expressed? What dynamics of relations can be observed between various countries academic fields of the south? Which are the "souths" in the north, and which the "norths" in the south? Possible topics: - International academic exchange and scientific mobility: public and private policies of international mobility of students and scholars; exiles and diverse social factors. - International circulation, reception of paradigms and key thinkers - Translation and cultural mediation in international circulation of ideas - Transnational projects and scientific networks - Associations, research centers and international journals