MUSSATI Sergio Fabian
capítulos de libros
Application of mathematical programming on the optimal synthesis
Desalination Research Progress
Nova Science Publishers
Lugar: New York, USA; Año: 2008; p. 429 - 448
The mathematical programming approach to design, integration and operation problems involves three major steps. The first is the development of a representation of alternatives from which the optimum solution is selected. The second is the formulation of a mathematical program that generally involves discrete and continuous variables for the selection of the configuration and operating levels, respectively. The third is the solution of the optimization model from which the optimal solution is determined.
The application of mathematical programming to any chemical or industrial process design not only can be used to determine the optimal operating conditions but also to find novel alternative equipment arrangements which, from thermodynamic or economic criteria can lead to more efficient rather than conventional designs.
There are several solution strategies that can be used in the optimization of mathematical programming models for design and synthesis. The two major strategies are simultaneous optimization, and the sequential optimization. In the simultaneous strategy a single model is optimized at once. The optimization is rigorous in that all the trade-offs are taken simultaneously into account. The sequential optimization strategy consists of solving a sequence of sub-problems, normally at an increasing level of detail. The major motivation is to solve simpler problems to facilitate the solution of a final large problem (normally MINLP).
In this chapter a novel configuration for the MSF System obtained from the mathematical programming model is analyzed. This new structure differs from the conventional one since it considers distillate extractions. The influence of the distillate extractions as well the effect of the stage dimensions on the efficiency of desaltor are analyzed through two case studies.
The mathematical model involves the real-physical constraints for the evaporation process. Nonlinear equations are used to model all plant equipment rigorously in terms of chemical-physical properties and design equations (efficiencies, NEA, BPE, heat transfer coefficients, momentum balances, among others).The proposed model is not only useful for synthesis, but also for analyzing different design alternatives. The model has been implemented in a general algebraic modeling system GAMS.