LOPEZ LASTRA Claudia Cristina
Diversity of trichomycetes in larval flies from aquatic habitats in Argentina
Lugar: Lawrence; Año: 2010 vol. 102 p. 347 - 362
Abstract: Trichomycetes, mainly from nonbiting midge (Chironomidae), mosquito (Culicidae) and black fly (Simuliidae) larvae (Insecta: Diptera), are reported from diverse freshwater environments principally from previously unexplored areas of Argentina. Four new species of Harpellales are described: midge (Chironomidae), mosquito (Culicidae) and black fly (Simuliidae) larvae (Insecta: Diptera), are reported from diverse freshwater environments principally from previously unexplored areas of Argentina. Four new species of Harpellales are described: Trichomycetes, mainly from nonbiting midge (Chironomidae), mosquito (Culicidae) and black fly (Simuliidae) larvae (Insecta: Diptera), are reported from diverse freshwater environments principally from previously unexplored areas of Argentina. Four new species of Harpellales are described: Austrosmittium patagonicum, A. lenticum, Smittium basiramosum and Legeriomyces lichtwardtii. This is the first report of Austrosmittium spp. from the Americas and the first report of a Legeriomyces from South America. Two other species (Simuliomyces sp. and America. Two other species (Simuliomyces sp. and and the first report of a Legeriomyces from South America. Two other species (Simuliomyces sp. and America. Two other species (Simuliomyces sp. and first report of Austrosmittium spp. from the Americas and the first report of a Legeriomyces from South America. Two other species (Simuliomyces sp. and America. Two other species (Simuliomyces sp. and and the first report of a Legeriomyces from South America. Two other species (Simuliomyces sp. and America. Two other species (Simuliomyces sp. and basiramosum and Legeriomyces lichtwardtii. This is the first report of Austrosmittium spp. from the Americas and the first report of a Legeriomyces from South America. Two other species (Simuliomyces sp. and America. Two other species (Simuliomyces sp. and and the first report of a Legeriomyces from South America. Two other species (Simuliomyces sp. and America. Two other species (Simuliomyces sp. and first report of Austrosmittium spp. from the Americas and the first report of a Legeriomyces from South America. Two other species (Simuliomyces sp. and America. Two other species (Simuliomyces sp. and and the first report of a Legeriomyces from South America. Two other species (Simuliomyces sp. and America. Two other species (Simuliomyces sp. and , A. lenticum, Smittium basiramosum and Legeriomyces lichtwardtii. This is the first report of Austrosmittium spp. from the Americas and the first report of a Legeriomyces from South America. Two other species (Simuliomyces sp. and America. Two other species (Simuliomyces sp. and and the first report of a Legeriomyces from South America. Two other species (Simuliomyces sp. and America. Two other species (Simuliomyces sp. and first report of Austrosmittium spp. from the Americas and the first report of a Legeriomyces from South America. Two other species (Simuliomyces sp. and America. Two other species (Simuliomyces sp. and and the first report of a Legeriomyces from South America. Two other species (Simuliomyces sp. and America. Two other species (Simuliomyces sp. and and Legeriomyces lichtwardtii. This is the first report of Austrosmittium spp. from the Americas and the first report of a Legeriomyces from South America. Two other species (Simuliomyces sp. and America. Two other species (Simuliomyces sp. and and the first report of a Legeriomyces from South America. Two other species (Simuliomyces sp. and America. Two other species (Simuliomyces sp. and Austrosmittium spp. from the Americas and the first report of a Legeriomyces from South America. Two other species (Simuliomyces sp. and America. Two other species (Simuliomyces sp. and Legeriomyces from South America. Two other species (Simuliomyces sp. andSimuliomyces sp. and Harpella sp.) are described but not named. Fourteen previously described species were recovered, and their geographical distribution and host ranges have been extended for Argentina, with Sm. phytotelmatum, previously described species were recovered, and their geographical distribution and host ranges have been extended for Argentina, with Sm. phytotelmatum, sp.) are described but not named. Fourteen previously described species were recovered, and their geographical distribution and host ranges have been extended for Argentina, with Sm. phytotelmatum,Sm. phytotelmatum, Stachylina lentica, St. lotica and St. penetralis being new records for the country. new records for the country. , St. lotica and St. penetralis being new records for the country.