DURAN Hebe Alicia
Propiedades antioxidantes y anticancerígenas del lúpulo
Cerveza y Malta - Asociación Española de Técnicos de Cerveza y Malta
Año: 2003 vol. 15 p. 77 - 82
The aim of this article is to describe the antioxidant and anticarcinogenic properties of hop. For this purpose, the cellular sources of oxidative species and antioxidant defenses, particularly polyphenols and flavonoids, are presented. Regarding the induction of cancer, basic concepts on the mechanisms of carcinogenesis and the role of oxidative species in this process are briefly described. The hop inflorescences secrete the bitter acids (humulones and lupulones) and prenylflavonoids. Regarding prenylflavonoid content, beer is one of the most important products of the human diet. The effects of the bitter acids, particularly humulone, and the prenylflavonoids of hop are discussed. The antioxidant activity and other biological effects related with anticarcinogenic properties, i.e. inhibition of tumor cell proliferation, induction of apoptosis, inhibition of tumor promotion, anti-inflammatory activity and suppression of angiogenesis, by humulone are described. Regarding prenylflavonoids, the antioxidant capacity, the inhibition of proliferation of tumor cells, the inhibition of metabolic activation of procarcinogens and the induction of detoxifying enzymes of some carcinogens are presented. The literature reports discussed herein and future contributions to this subject will be useful to evaluate the possible role of the dietary intake of beer antioxidants in chemoprevention and the possible application of hop compounds in antioxidant therapies.