BARRANTES Francisco Jose
capítulos de libros
Gregorio Weber´s Roots in Argentina
Perspectives on Fluorescence: A Tribute to Gregorio Weber
Springer International
Lugar: Lausanne; Año: 2016; p. 17 - 40
Professor Gregorio Weber was an outstanding, dedicated scientist, versed in a great variety of scientific subjects. But he was also an exceptional human being: of a reserved nature, he never placed himself above or before others, never put people down. He was a cultivated man with a brilliant intellect, amicable, generous, modest, and prone to listen. He had a real concern with the underlying social issues in all the countries where he lived. His childhood, youth and university training up to his first doctoral degree took place in his home country, Argentina, and these periods of his life had a deep impact on the shaping of his persona, his cultural habits, and his scientific interests. His great mind and avid quest for knowledge in all spheres of life were undoubtedly nourished by the high standards of the educational system in Argentina at that time but were also fired by the crucial influence of his family and cultural environment, his circle of talented friends, and the informal training that he received in Buenos Aires.