INFAP   20938
Unidad Ejecutora - UE
Critical behavior of repulsive dimers at 2/3 monolayer coverage
Año: 2008 vol. 77 p. 195401 - 195408
Monte Carlo simulations and finite-size scaling theory have been used to study the critical behavior of repulsive dimers on square lattices at 2/3 monolayer coverage. A “zigzag” ZZ ordered phase, which is characterized by domains of parallel ZZ strips oriented at 45° from the lattice symmetry axes, was found. This ordered phase is separated from the disordered state by an order-disorder phase transition occurring at a finite critical temperature. Based on the strong axial anisotropy of the ZZ phase, an orientational order parameter has been introduced. All the critical quantities have been obtained. The set of critical exponents suggests that the system does not belong to the universality class of the two-dimensional Ising model. This ordered phase is separated from the disordered state by an order-disorder phase transition occurring at a finite critical temperature. Based on the strong axial anisotropy of the ZZ phase, an orientational order parameter has been introduced. All the critical quantities have been obtained. The set of critical exponents suggests that the system does not belong to the universality class of the two-dimensional Ising model. This ordered phase is separated from the disordered state by an order-disorder phase transition occurring at a finite critical temperature. Based on the strong axial anisotropy of the ZZ phase, an orientational order parameter has been introduced. All the critical quantities have been obtained. The set of critical exponents suggests that the system does not belong to the universality class of the two-dimensional Ising model. characterized by domains of parallel ZZ strips oriented at 45° from the lattice symmetry axes, was found. This ordered phase is separated from the disordered state by an order-disorder phase transition occurring at a finite critical temperature. Based on the strong axial anisotropy of the ZZ phase, an orientational order parameter has been introduced. All the critical quantities have been obtained. The set of critical exponents suggests that the system does not belong to the universality class of the two-dimensional Ising model. This ordered phase is separated from the disordered state by an order-disorder phase transition occurring at a finite critical temperature. Based on the strong axial anisotropy of the ZZ phase, an orientational order parameter has been introduced. All the critical quantities have been obtained. The set of critical exponents suggests that the system does not belong to the universality class of the two-dimensional Ising model. This ordered phase is separated from the disordered state by an order-disorder phase transition occurring at a finite critical temperature. Based on the strong axial anisotropy of the ZZ phase, an orientational order parameter has been introduced. All the critical quantities have been obtained. The set of critical exponents suggests that the system does not belong to the universality class of the two-dimensional Ising model. characterized by domains of parallel ZZ strips oriented at 45° from the lattice symmetry axes, was found. This ordered phase is separated from the disordered state by an order-disorder phase transition occurring at a finite critical temperature. Based on the strong axial anisotropy of the ZZ phase, an orientational order parameter has been introduced. All the critical quantities have been obtained. The set of critical exponents suggests that the system does not belong to the universality class of the two-dimensional Ising model. This ordered phase is separated from the disordered state by an order-disorder phase transition occurring at a finite critical temperature. Based on the strong axial anisotropy of the ZZ phase, an orientational order parameter has been introduced. All the critical quantities have been obtained. The set of critical exponents suggests that the system does not belong to the universality class of the two-dimensional Ising model. This ordered phase is separated from the disordered state by an order-disorder phase transition occurring at a finite critical temperature. Based on the strong axial anisotropy of the ZZ phase, an orientational order parameter has been introduced. All the critical quantities have been obtained. The set of critical exponents suggests that the system does not belong to the universality class of the two-dimensional Ising model. /3 monolayer coverage. A “zigzag” ZZ ordered phase, which is characterized by domains of parallel ZZ strips oriented at 45° from the lattice symmetry axes, was found. This ordered phase is separated from the disordered state by an order-disorder phase transition occurring at a finite critical temperature. Based on the strong axial anisotropy of the ZZ phase, an orientational order parameter has been introduced. All the critical quantities have been obtained. The set of critical exponents suggests that the system does not belong to the universality class of the two-dimensional Ising model. This ordered phase is separated from the disordered state by an order-disorder phase transition occurring at a finite critical temperature. Based on the strong axial anisotropy of the ZZ phase, an orientational order parameter has been introduced. All the critical quantities have been obtained. The set of critical exponents suggests that the system does not belong to the universality class of the two-dimensional Ising model. This ordered phase is separated from the disordered state by an order-disorder phase transition occurring at a finite critical temperature. Based on the strong axial anisotropy of the ZZ phase, an orientational order parameter has been introduced. All the critical quantities have been obtained. The set of critical exponents suggests that the system does not belong to the universality class of the two-dimensional Ising model. 45° from the lattice symmetry axes, was found. This ordered phase is separated from the disordered state by an order-disorder phase transition occurring at a finite critical temperature. Based on the strong axial anisotropy of the ZZ phase, an orientational order parameter has been introduced. All the critical quantities have been obtained. The set of critical exponents suggests that the system does not belong to the universality class of the two-dimensional Ising model.