JEREZ Susana Josefina
congresos y reuniones científicas
Study of the residue from Salvia hispanica (chia) seed oil extraction by cold pressing for repurposing as functional food to prevent metabolic syndrome
Conferencia; IV CONFERENCIA INTERNACIONAL DE LA RED la ValSe-Food y VII Simposio Chia-Link; 2022
Despite its high nutritional value, the residue obtained by cold pressing of the chia seeds(expeller) is still undervalued. Expeller is rich in proteins and fibers and contains about 7% omega-3alfa-linolenic acid (ALA). Considering that chia seed has been reported to improve insulin resistance,among other cardiovascular risk factors, the aim of this work was to study the effects of a diet enrichedwith the expeller on a rabbit model of metabolic syndrome. A nutritional analysis of the expellerwas evaluated. Rabbits were fed a standard diet (CD), a high-fat diet (HFD) and a HFD in which20% of the calories from fat were replaced by the expeller (ED). At the end of the 6-week feedingperiod, clinical, biochemical, and vascular reactivity studies were performed. Results: The ED didnot modify body weight or visceral fat, and reached to control fasting glucose (mg/dL; CD: 113 3;HFD: 1261 5; ED: 90 7), insulin resistance (area under the curve of glucose tolerance, CD: 612 23;HFD: 676 17; ED: 517 38), triglycerides (mg/dL CD: 113 14; HFD: 192 22; ED = 98 22) andthe TyG index (CD: 8.3 0.2; HFD: 9.3 0.3; ED: 8.28 0.23). With respect to the vascular studies,a blunted norepinephrine response was found. In conclusion, the results showed a promising use ofthe expeller to develop functional foods that improve metabolic syndrome symptoms.