CORRONCA Jose Antonio
capítulos de libros
Diversidad de artrópodos presentes en la vegetación de tres ambientes del Parque Nacional Los Cardones-salta, Argentina
Anales de Parques Nacionales_Naturaleza y Cultura
Administración de Parques Nacionales
Lugar: Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires; Año: 2011; p. 9 - 21
At present time, the arthropod fauna of Los Cardones National Park is unknown. Because of this, in this study we planned to begin an anthropod baseline in this natural protected area that can be used in future researches. The aims of this study are: to know the composition of the arthropod community in the studied area; to analize the arthropo community into and between different habitats of The Cardones National Park, considering the spider and true bugs communities; and to asess the samplo effort. Nine sites were chosen corresponding to three different environments of Los Cardones National Park: high floor of the Yungas, Monte Occidental and Prepuna. During one year, seasoning samples were taken using a G-Vac (garden vacuum). 14.798 arthropods of 13 orders were collected. 53 species/morphospecies of spiders from 11 families were recorded with Araneidae the most abundant spider family. 29 species/morphospecies of the true bugas were collected corresponding to five families, the most abundant was Miridae. The Pastizal altoandino nublado showed the high diversity of spiders and true bugs. This environment belongs to the high floor of the Yungas and has a high heterogeneity in the vegetation structure. Because of this, it is logical to find the maximun secies richness and diversity comparing to other studied environments. The sample effort was enough to obtain a good representation of the arthropod community in several studied environments; meanwhile, in other environments it would be required to increase the effort, especially in summer and fal seasons, which represent the year period with the highest arthropod diversity