ZENI Susana Noemi
congresos y reuniones científicas
Relación entre niveles del telopéptido carboxilo terminal del colágeno tipo I (CTX) y fosfatasa alcalina ósea (FAO) en saliva y sangre de ratas.
Mar del Plata. Buenos Aires
Congreso; XXXVIII Reunión Anual de la Sociedad Argentina de Investigaciones Odontólogicas (SAIO) y I Reunión de la Federación Latinoamericana; 2005
Institución organizadora:
Sociedad Argentina de Investigaciones Odontólogicas
Disorders of bone remodeling involve the entire skeleton however they are often manifest in the oral cavity. In this way it is know the association between osteoporosis and periodontal disease. Thus, although periodontitis and osteoporosis are produced by different causes, a common mechanisms of bone loss may be involved in both pathologies. Bone markers levels are related to bone remodelling, they are assess in serum or urine however there is little information related its determination in saliva. Previously we found that CTX and b-AP can be measured in rat saliva. The present study was carried out to determine if the salivary levels CTX and b-AP correlates with the concentration of serum CTX in normal conditions and in the increase of the bone remodelling due to estrogen deficiency. Twenty normal adult Wistar rats (300±20 g) [10 SHAM and 10 rats after 1 week of ovariectomy (OVX)] were studied. Fasting serum and total saliva after stimulation with pilocarpine in rats was collected. In both samples were measured CTX (ng/ml) by ELISA (RatLabs, Osteometer Bio Tech, Denmark) and b-AP (IU/L) by spectrometry after a selective wheat germ lectine precipitation. Results          CTX                 b-AP         Saliva Serum Saliva Serum SHAM: 3.6 ± 5.6 15.4±4.4 71±28 73±29 OVX 9.0 ± 2.5** 20.9±3.7* 90± 8* 104±24* (*) p<0.05 y (**) p<0.01: between SHAM y OVX. When saliva CTX and b-AP were plotted against serum concentration the following significant positive correlation were obtained: r=0.62;p<0.05 and r=0,58; p<0.05, respectively. Conclusions: Salivary and serum CTX and b-AP correlated in both, normal conditions or in a state where bone remodeling is increased because of estrogen deficiency. Although future studies are necessary, the present results are promissory in the sense of the potential use of a salivary-based test for evaluating bone remodeling. Grant from Buenos Aires University M033.