PICCOLO Maria Cintia
congresos y reuniones científicas
The basin of Claromeco creek in Argentina.
Bahía Blanca
Congreso; 4th LOICZ Open Science Meeting; 1999
Institución organizadora:
The main objective of the present study is to analyse the characteristics of the Claromeco basin, which is located in the south-east of Buenos Aires Province in Argentina. It is a creek resulting from the confluence of three courses – Orellano Creek or 3rd branch in the west, Medio Creek or 2nd branch in the centre, and Seco Creek or 1st branch in the east – that runs across a plain. The aforementioned creeks have their source in the plain called “pampa de Juarez”. Claromeco Creek presents a predominant N-S direction and after flowing 35 km it discharges into the Argentine Sea, to the west of Claromeco town. Topographic maps in 1:50,000; 100,000 and 250,000 scales were used to define the main hydrological characteristics of the creeks. Satellitegenerated maps in 1:100,000 and 250,000 scales were utilised to update the information regarding the use of the soil and the present state of the watercourses. The measurement methods employed include: planimetry, weighing, greaseproof paper and a curvometer. The basin was defined following the direction of the slopes. Field research was undertaken in the middle basin and in the area of the estuary. The basin of Claromeco Creek has an area of 3,017.18 km2, its perimeter is 285km and the principal creek is 135 km long. Two different types of drainage were identified: dendritic and anarchic.rd branch in the west, Medio Creek or 2nd branch in the centre, and Seco Creek or 1st branch in the east – that runs across a plain. The aforementioned creeks have their source in the plain called “pampa de Juarez”. Claromeco Creek presents a predominant N-S direction and after flowing 35 km it discharges into the Argentine Sea, to the west of Claromeco town. Topographic maps in 1:50,000; 100,000 and 250,000 scales were used to define the main hydrological characteristics of the creeks. Satellitegenerated maps in 1:100,000 and 250,000 scales were utilised to update the information regarding the use of the soil and the present state of the watercourses. The measurement methods employed include: planimetry, weighing, greaseproof paper and a curvometer. The basin was defined following the direction of the slopes. Field research was undertaken in the middle basin and in the area of the estuary. The basin of Claromeco Creek has an area of 3,017.18 km2, its perimeter is 285km and the principal creek is 135 km long. Two different types of drainage were identified: dendritic and anarchic.nd branch in the centre, and Seco Creek or 1st branch in the east – that runs across a plain. The aforementioned creeks have their source in the plain called “pampa de Juarez”. Claromeco Creek presents a predominant N-S direction and after flowing 35 km it discharges into the Argentine Sea, to the west of Claromeco town. Topographic maps in 1:50,000; 100,000 and 250,000 scales were used to define the main hydrological characteristics of the creeks. Satellitegenerated maps in 1:100,000 and 250,000 scales were utilised to update the information regarding the use of the soil and the present state of the watercourses. The measurement methods employed include: planimetry, weighing, greaseproof paper and a curvometer. The basin was defined following the direction of the slopes. Field research was undertaken in the middle basin and in the area of the estuary. The basin of Claromeco Creek has an area of 3,017.18 km2, its perimeter is 285km and the principal creek is 135 km long. Two different types of drainage were identified: dendritic and anarchic.2, its perimeter is 285km and the principal creek is 135 km long. Two different types of drainage were identified: dendritic and anarchic.