IFIR   05409
Unidad Ejecutora - UE
informe técnico
Study of the phase transitions in Fe-Al-Cr alloys and their relation to the mobility of dislocations and grain boundaries.
Fecha inicio/fin:
Naturaleza de la

Producción Tecnológica:
Ciencia de Materiales
Campo de Aplicación:
 Este informe técnico, corresponde al report del Experiment number : 1-01-94, remitido al Intituto Laue-Langevin (ILL), Grenoble, Francia . El experimento fue aprobado después de evaluación por el Comité Científico del ILL. El monto recibido que se marca debajo, corresponde al costo de la experiencia que fue cubierto por el Instituto Laue Langevin y la Comunidad Europea. El proyecto se tituló: "Study of the phase transitions in Fe-Al-Cr alloys and their relation to the mobility of dislocations and grain boundaries." In order to understand the physical mechanism which controls the damping behaviour, in situ neutron diffraction were performed at approximately the same heating rate than in the MS tests, in order to check the microstructural changes.             For this reason we have worked during 5 days in D1B, in order of performing the measurements of the neutron diffraction intensities as a function of the temperature, for checking the appearance of precipitation processes or phase transitions; in the 5 different type of alloys. In order to understand the physical mechanism which controls the damping behaviour, in situ neutron diffraction were performed at approximately the same heating rate than in the MS tests, in order to check the microstructural changes.             For this reason we have worked during 5 days in D1B, in order of performing the measurements of the neutron diffraction intensities as a function of the temperature, for checking the appearance of precipitation processes or phase transitions; in the 5 different type of alloys. In order to understand the physical mechanism which controls the damping behaviour, in situ neutron diffraction were performed at approximately the same heating rate than in the MS tests, in order to check the microstructural changes.             For this reason we have worked during 5 days in D1B, in order of performing the measurements of the neutron diffraction intensities as a function of the temperature, for checking the appearance of precipitation processes or phase transitions; in the 5 different type of alloys. In order to understand the physical mechanism which controls the damping behaviour, in situ neutron diffraction were performed at approximately the same heating rate than in the MS tests, in order to check the microstructural changes.             For this reason we have worked during 5 days in D1B, in order of performing the measurements of the neutron diffraction intensities as a function of the temperature, for checking the appearance of precipitation processes or phase transitions; in the 5 different type of alloys. In order to understand the physical mechanism which controls the damping behaviour, in situ neutron diffraction were performed at approximately the same heating rate than in the MS tests, in order to check the microstructural changes.             For this reason we have worked during 5 days in D1B, in order of performing the measurements of the neutron diffraction intensities as a function of the temperature, for checking the appearance of precipitation processes or phase transitions; in the 5 different type of alloys. In order to understand the physical mechanism which controls the damping behaviour, in situ neutron diffraction were performed at approximately the same heating rate than in the MS tests, in order to check the microstructural changes.             For this reason we have worked during 5 days in D1B, in order of performing the measurements of the neutron diffraction intensities as a function of the temperature, for checking the appearance of precipitation processes or phase transitions; in the 5 different type of alloys.