WECHSLER Diana Beatriz
Fundación Foro del Sur
Lugar: Buenos Aires; Año: 2022 p. 384
At BIENALSUR we work on the basis of the concept of curatorial research. The curatorial process ap- pears as a laboratory in which diverse perspectives converge: those of the artists, curators, canonical narratives and others that arise from new questions and intersecting gazes.The health crisis that the world has been experi- encing since 2020 confronts us with the challenge of not being able to foresee how it will end. The other reality, the pre-existing reality of people without a place, that of the overexploitation of the environment by a form of capitalism that exacerbates differences and causes poverty to take on proportions that hark back to times that we thought we had overcome,not only persists but, without doubt, will deepen under the current conditions, along with the deg- radation of natural habitats due to extractivism. Uncertainty leads to different outcomes, one of which is for us to give visibility to some of these prob- lems from our position in the world of art. For this reason, we have identified the issue of ECOLOGICAL AWARENESS as one of the curatorial axes that in different ways permeates a good deal of the different projects.WAYS OF LIVING: thinking about spaces, prob- lematising practices. When we consider the ways in which space is occupied, we immediately think of the manners in which it has evolved: from the division of territories – whether real or symbolic –, the marking of different types of borders, to the ways in which they are situated. The right to space makes it possi- ble to protect individuals in their diversity and often gives rise to minimal, intimate, private worlds that coexist alone in the crowd, while others are opento the unfolding of large urban projects. From the perspective of contemporary art, these dimensions make it possible to identify socio-cultural practices, representations, fantasies, and visions of the future,thus giving rise to critical perspectives. Together with these approaches, others are presented that explore ways of being in the world that can be identified as digital environments, which may have taken on a new significance with the pandemic.The issue of ecological awareness also leadsus to review the relationship established between human occupation and natural elements, and what is promptly identified as the environment, from which the human species distinguishes itself in a differential way by establishing conceptual borders and mod- ifying, extracting, depredating, and reconfiguring from this perspective both spaces and territories. Along with the territorial question, the topic of TRANSITS AND MIGRATION is associated here.The issue of the management of memory and the uses of history become highly visible among the se- lected projects, many of which were conceived in the heat of social movements and demands that quickly attained a global dimension. All this led us to think about the alternative genealogies that emerge from these symbolic disputes and with them to imagine FLUID CONSTELLATIONS as another curatorial axis of BIENALSUR 2021. It addresses the problem of di- versity based on the operations on history undertak- en by different liberation causes such as feminism, the queer movement, indigenism and anti-racist struggles. This axis focuses on the rewriting of his- tory, the proposal of new links between works and cultural agents, both through the recovery of figures who were relegated from traditional historiography for various reasons, and the reclaiming of a corpus of works that are upheld, valued, re-signifiedor appropriated from the struggles of the present. On the other hand, this also takes place throughthe axis of POLITICS OF ART, which operates as an exercise on artistic practice itself in the heat of the contemporary crisis.