CABRELLI Carlos Alberto
New Trends in Applied Harmonic Analysis, Volume 2
Lugar: Cham; Año: 2019 p. 321
The CIMPA school Harmonic Analysis, Geometric Measure Theory and Applications took place in Buenos Aires during 2 weeks, in August 2017. It was conceived as a continuation of the very successful previous school New Trends in Applied Harmonic Analysis Sparse Representations, Compressed Sensing and Multifractal Analysis which had also been held in Argentina, at Mar del Plata. Once again, this CIMPA school was a big success, with a large number of Ph.D. students and young PostDocs, mainly coming from all over Latin America.Still focused on harmonic analysis taken in a broad sense, the aim of this second school was to specifically aim at the new interlaces with geometric measure theory which recently have had a huge impact, in particular, in image and signal pro- cessing, and how these new understandings can be applied to solve real-life problems. The relevance of this school was due to the fact that several technological deadlocks have been recently solved through the resolution of deep theoretical problems in these areas, and the purpose of the school was to expose their reso- lutions, but also their implications both for theory and in applications, and the new challenges which they raise.In the middle of the school, a climax was reached with the special day in honor of Ursula Molter, which gave the young audience a great opportunity to revisit 30 years of pure and applied harmonic analysis and geometric measure theory through the various topics where Ursula has made seminal contributions.The courses of this CIMPA school were taught by leaders in these areas. Though the purpose was to expose recent deep breakthroughs, these scientists managed to meet the challenge of remaining accessible to a broad audience, mainly composed of Ph.D. students and PostDocs, and of diverse scientific cultures, covering mathematics, and signal and image processing.The school emulated new interactions between these communities, and the courses collected in this book faithfully transpose the atmosphere of feverish interdisciplinary interactions that took place during these 2 weeks.