ORELLANA mariana Dominga
congresos y reuniones científicas
Double peaked supernovae
Congreso; SuperVirtual 2021; 2021
There is a growing number of supernovae with a wide range of luminosities that have shown a double peaked light curve (LC). The observed morphology in both peaks is quite diverse as well as the physical reason of these. One possibility that was originally proposed forSN2005bf in order to explain the double peaked LC shape, is to assume a double-peaked nickel distribution. In this talk we present a systematic analysis of the effect on the LC of stripped envelope supernovae to variation on the nickel profile. To do this we have proposed an initial nickel distribution with a simple parametric shape that establish its location into two separate layers, and analyzed the effect of each of the parameters on the LC by applying our hydrodynamical code. In this first study we are interested into the applicability of this model to objects with normal brightness so we have selected our parameters space accordingly. We present the modeling of a set of objects for which this model could be well applied and we discuss in which cases it is disfavored to explain the LC morphology.