congresos y reuniones científicas
Smart sustainable cities in Argentina: General view, achievements and challenges
Conferencia; 5a. Conferencia sobre Sistemas de Información en América Latina (ISLA 2021); 2021
Institución organizadora:
Universidad Catolica del Norte
Smart sustainable cities in Argentina: General view, achievements and challenges. The city of Buenos Aires is an island within the country since in the federal capital for a long time smart solutions have been implemented, such as smart lighting, but the rest of the country is waiting for these actionsSalta, Mendoza and Bahía Blanca are adding more and more traffic sensors under the asphalt and facial recognition cameras to search for fugitives. Also luminaries that "talk" to each otherIn Argentina there are groups working on specific applications that are at the level of any other country in the world. The decisions are mainly political. The panorama of Smart Cities in Argentina is promising, since human capital is available to advance in innovative solutions.