CUCCHETTI Humberto Horacio
congresos y reuniones científicas
Reconversions militantes et élites politiques et administratives en France depuis les années 1980. Eléments empiriques et problématiques pour une recherche à vocation comparée et transnationale
Seminario; Seminaire interne des Résidents de l'Institut d'Etudes avancées de Paris; 2019
My research project aims to study the state elites of militant origin in a comparative way. Taking as an example the Argentinean and French elites, it is a question of reporting on the completely different, even opposite, modalities of training and recruitment of state leaders in these countries.In my previous research on the political environment in Argentina and France, I have shed light on the itineraries of men and women who, at some point in their careers, hold positions in public institutions. As part of the project carried out at the Paris IAS, I am seeking to extend this data by an empirical study of French political life and to build a documentary corpus, including biographical interviews, enabling me to design the scientific tools essential for my comparative approach. The French part of my investigation concerns above all the senior civil servants and high political staff.This research will make it possible to deepen the first investigations carried out, to establish contacts with relevant actors and to gather data that will help to understand the functioning of our democracies through those who hold, temporarily or permanently, positions within the public authorities.