BELVEDERE Carlos Daniel
congresos y reuniones científicas
Ethnomethodology as an Experimentation with the Natural Attitude. George Psathas Seminal Way to Phenomenological Sociology
Conferencia; SPHS 2019 Annual Conference; 2019
Institución organizadora:
Society fo Phenomenology and the Human Sciences (SPHS)
Psathas documented the strong phenomenological background of Garfinkel?s ideas. He found in Garfinkels owns words expressions of gratitude to Husserl, Gurwitsch and Schutz, among other phenomenologist. He also told us about personal meetings and correspondence between them. On the other hand, Psathas showed how Garfinkel turned those phenomenolgical ideas into something new. The most important novelty here is the elaboration of an experimental method, which is something very rare not only in phenomenology but also in sociology at large. His ethnomethodological revolution consisted in starting an experimental sociology dealing with the natural attitude.Ponencia presentada en el Panel in Memory of George Psathas, moderado por Jochen Dreher (University of Konstanz) y Erik Garrett (Duquesne University), con la participación de Steven Crowell (Rice University), Michael E. Lynch (Cornell University), Hisashi Nasu (Waseda University), Michael D. Barber (St. Louis University), Lenore Langsdorf (Professor Emerita, Southern Illinois University Carbondale & Visiting Research Professor, University of Texas San Antonio), y Martin Endress (Universität Trier), Society fo Phenomenology and the Human Sciences (SPHS) 2019 Annual Conference, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh (Estados Unidos), 31 de octubre a 2 de noviembre de 2019.