CRESPO Ricardo Fernando
congresos y reuniones científicas
What makes a good model?
Birmingham (Alabama)
Simposio; VIII International Network for Economic Method Conference; 2010
Institución organizadora:
International Network for Economic Method
There are various types and conceptions of models, and thus various ways to define them. There is, however, an implicit agreement among social scientists about what makes a “good model.” Through Internet research, interviews with colleagues and ideas taken from academic papers I have arrived at the characterization of a good model which I will convey here. A good theoretical model brings to light some aspects of reality previously unproved or unnoticed. The conclusions of a good empirical model should coincide with the available data about the concerned situation. Also when speaking of good modes it is essential to maintain a balance between the model’s link with reality and the necessary simplification (isolation and idealization) in order to focus on specific dimensions or aspects of reality. Leo Apostel (1961, p. 15) asserts that “the mind needs in one act to have an overview of the essential characteristics of a domain.” This is facilitated by a “good model”. In this paper I will try to set some philosophically-grounded criteria for the building of good models. This is not an easy task, because attempting to define models opens a Pandora’s box of philosophical debates, such as the meaning and scope of representation and explanation, or the meaning and possibility of knowing the truth and causes. Thus, I am aware that the subsequent analysis will leave many issues unresolved. I believe, however, that this analysis could serve as a contribution to current philosophical thought about models.