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Characteristics of Sturnira lilium´s milk (Chiroptera)
Jornada; XX Jornadas Cientìficas de la Asociación de Biología de Tucumán; 2003
Institución organizadora:
Asociación de Biología de Tucumán
The Chiroptera is a group of great diversity, that we can see this,in the nutrition,witch includes the feeding of the babies.In the last area, they are very important the milk compositions.In the other hand, the information about this particular issue is reduced, about all, when you consider  the problems in getting samples. This fact has been remarked in revisions which includes samples of one or two animals.The main target of this work is to present the results about the composition and enzymatic activities: lactoperoxidase (LPO), lisozime and gammaglutamiltransferasa(GGT),practiced on the S. lilium´s milk, on witch we don?t have information. The result showed an activity of LPO 1,21 U/mL, while in  lisozime was of 630 U/L  and the total GGT was 481U/L. In the last case, the most important part was associated (398 U/L) to the caseins and the fat cell, and 83 U/L were found in the lactosuero. The glucides were a total of 5,9 g/dL ,while the lipids 4,8 mL/dL.The size of the fat cell show an average of 4,6 micras of diameter,less than in the others mammalians. About the gross composition this results are veryuseful as a parameter, because they have in common whith others frugivores species, the following characteristics: the low amount of caseins and the high amount of glucides.In the other hand, the result of the enzymatic activity show LPO and lisozime, this last high. Is important to remark that this bat has activities of the two enzymes, and it is weird that they showed together in the milk of mammalians.This double protection give as  the evidence about how important is the lactancy.The results on GGT activity confirm the  observations of our group in other mammalians, about a depedent distribution of the hydrophobic character of this enzyme.The presents results are the first contribution on the knowledge of the reproductive biology of this particular specie.