NEMIÑA Pablo Luis
congresos y reuniones científicas
The World Bank and the IMF in the recent argentine crisis. Better together or separated?
Workshop; 2nd Workshop on the World Bank; 2006
Institución organizadora:
Centre for the Study of Globalization and Regionalization (University of Warwick), Researchers Alliance for Development (RAD), National University of Singapore, World Bank.
The objective of this research is to study the World Bank and IMF management of the argentine crisis of 2001/2002. For it, in the first place, we will characterize the recent argentine crisis and we will identify the differences existing with other previous crisis. Secondly, we will observe what role carried out and what strategies unfolded both organisms. Thirdly, we will analyze what role could have carried out the World Bank and the IMF, within is indicated in its guidelines and regulations, to contribute to mitigate the deep social, economic and political effects of the crisis. For it, we will study if the guidelines and regulations of each Institution, offered more possibilities of active support, considering the deep crisis that was affecting the country. Particularly, we will try to answer to the following questions:  Could have offered the World Bank more active financial and institutional support to Argentina, still if an arrangement with the IMF had not been agreed, considering the deep social crisis that was affecting Argentina? In a more general sense, considering that the solution to so deep social, economic and political crises implies the combination of different policies in different areas, and that the economic sphere does not have priority on the others, Would be useful, for a quicker and better resolution of the crisis, the possibility that the affected country could receive support of the World Bank, with no need of fulfilling the previous requirement to agree an economic program with the IMF?