HOSNE Ana Carolina
congresos y reuniones científicas
Words, images and quipus: the different expressions of memory in the Jesuit missions outside Europe (China and Peru, 16th- 17th centuries)
Conferencia; Words, images and quipus: the different expressions of memory in the Jesuit missions outside Europe (China and Peru, 16th- 17th centuries); 2014
Institución organizadora:
Taiwan National University
There is nothing more difficult than defining ´memory´ and its functions and purposes. Memory is forever changing across time and space, so it is only possible to analyze it in specific historical contexts. This talk will analyze the different roles and purposes of memory in the Jesuit missions outside Europe, based on two case studies: Peru, a colonial mission space, and China, a non-colonial mission space. Europe, in the background, is the starting point for understanding the cultural baggage the Jesuits took with them to their overseas missions. Training in rhetoric, both the creation and influence of a Jesuit imagery with mnemonic purposes, and the local mnemonic techniques the Jesuits found outside Europe together make up the rich scenario in which our understanding of the different purposes and approaches to memory in these missions is set.Lugar de la conferencia: National Taiwan University. Evento abierto a estudiantes, docentes y público en general.