REY MÁRQUEZ Juan Ricardo
congresos y reuniones científicas
Drawing Army and Science in 18th Century Hispanic America. New Spaces for Castas Incorporation to the Arts
Congreso; Comité International d'Histoire de l'Art CIHA 34th World Congress of Art History.; 2016
Institución organizadora:
Comité International d'Histoire de l'Art CIHA
In this paper I will address the cases of Hispanic militias and Scientific Expeditions as spheres of incorporation to the arts for the so called castas, in comparison to the wide 18th century interest in the formation of academies. For this purpose I will focus on three cases: first the institutions leaded by the army like Hispanic military academies, or by militia members such as militia?s commander Pablo Caballero (mid-18th century ? first quarter of 19th century) project for a drawing academy in 1792. In second place the scientific institutions for the teaching of drawing, particularly the 1798 Free school for drawing and painting founded by the Botanical Expedition of Viceroyalty of New Kingdom of Granada, directed by the botany José Celestino Mutis (1732-1808). Finally the 1795 project for San Felipe Benicio?s Fine Arts Academy designed by Francisco Felipe del Campo y Rivas (1750-1802), priest of the Cathedral of Santafe ?nowadays Bogota. In every case I will discuss the place taken by the casta members and the ways of inclusion and social promotion related to the practice of drawing.