MURGIDA Gustavo Ezequiel
congresos y reuniones científicas
Quantum control via diabatic and adiabatic transitions.
Brasilia, Brasil
Workshop; Workshop on Quantum Nonstationary Systems; 2009
Coherent control via diabatic and adiabatic transitions.Recently we have proposed a quantum control method which can be applied in a broad set of systems. Our control strategy allows us to manipulate the quantum state using a sequence of diabatic and adiabatic variations of an external control parameter. We simulate numerically this strategy in two different systems: a double quantum dot with two interacting electrons inside, and a molecular system of LiCN.In the double quantum dot, we use an electric field as control parameter and, starting from the ground state at field E=0, we attained different goals such as localizig both electrons in the same dot, traveling along the adiabatic curves following complex paths and reaching highly excited energy leveles, and building coherent superpositions of many eigenstates. After that, we applied the control method to the LiCN molecule. Again we used an electric field to manipulate the geometric configuration of the molecule.  The obtained results show that our method can be used in systems with very different characteristics and suggest that it has an important potential for applications in quantum coherent control.