TOLIVIA Analia Alejandra
congresos y reuniones científicas
Utilización de Microalgas Bentónicas para la evaliación de ecológica de cuerpos de agua
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Jornada; XXXVI Reunión de la Asociación Argentina de Tecnología Nuclear; 2009
Institución organizadora:
Asociación Argentina de Tecnología Nuclear
The water resources have been evaluated for a long time by physicochemical parameters. These provide timely results and do not reveal much about the evolution of a pollutant load and resilient and buffering capacity of aquatic ecosystems. Techniques based on the evaluation of sensitivity index of living organisms in the presence of different impacts have been developed as an alternative to these procedures. Biological indicator species are unique environmental indicators as they offer a signal of the biological condition in a watershed. The use of bioindicators as an early warning of pollution or degradation in an ecosystem can help sustain critical resources. While indicator species is a term that is often used, it is somewhat inaccurate. Indicators are actually groups or types of biological resources that can be used to assess environmental condition. Within each group, individual species can be used to calculate metrics in an effort to assess water quality conditions. Aquatic invertebrates and microalgae are the two groups recommended in evaluations of water quality, both are required by DMA 2000. The aim of this study was to evaluate two water bodies to choose the most appropriate group of microalgae to use as a biological indicator and establish the proposed rates that adjust better to describe the ecological quality of waters in the ecoregions where are the sites of CNEA. Surveys were carried out for this recognition of environments in the Ezeiza Atomic Center (CAE) and the industrial mining complex Los Gigantes, phytobenthos samples were taken in three sites in the Constituent Atomic Center (CAE) and the industrial mining complex Los Gigantes, Córdoba. Water samples were collected for later determination of chlorophyll content and biomass estimation. Determination of microalgal species were carried out and established those most representative groups. From that observation diatoms were selected as best represented in both sites. Some of the genera found in the industrial mining complex Los Gigantes presented abnormal forms. Determinations of diatom species were carried out from samples mounted in Naphrax® obtained from Aguirre stream (CAE). Two diatom index were applied and revealed that, while the IDG served as base line for initiating the development of evaluation techniques through microalgae, must be supplemented with local diatom index when existent or with local relevant literature. The local index use and its development will allow to select those that best fit for the ecology of our region and to it future implementations as a metric in the evaluation, along with other index, of the ecological status of waters bodies of CNEA sites.