congresos y reuniones científicas
¿Puede una política de "Empleador de último recurso" con énfasis en ?Empleos Verdes? ayudar a reducir las tensiones en el mercado laboral durante la transición a una economía baja en carbono?
Conferencia; Conferencia Master EPOG; 2018
Many institutions and experts are acknowledging that the current environmental challenges could turn from problems to opportunities. But, what Carlota Perez calls Global Sustainable Golden Age, will not happen spontaneously. For this new era to be unleashed we need the application of a set of policies that take environmental threats as opportunities and combines smart green growth with full global development (Perez, 2017). A number of studies assess how a transition to a sustainable, low-carbon economy might affect employment. These typically find overall job gains compared to business-as-usual scenarios. But the literature highlights important tensions during the transition, underlying job movements as well as problems in the quality of jobs (ILO,2011). Without the governments taking the lead in accompanying this process, the results are going to be tragic, especially in developing countries. In this paper, we argue that an Employer of Last Resort (ELR) policy based on Green Jobs can help citizens cope with the labour market tensions that the transition to a Green Economy will cause. Furthermore, these policies can also be an important facilitator of this transition as part of a green-growth strategy. But in order for these goals to be achieved we will argue: 1) There are key components that should be taken into account in the shaping of ELR including its directionality, its additionality, Smart program Design, and a greater focus on social legitimacy, 2) There is a need for a broad definition of green jobs c) There are important institutional challenges including smart and transparent policy design, implementing and follow-up.