DE RONDE Christian
congresos y reuniones científicas
Philosophical Perspectives on Relationalism in Quantum Mechanics
CLEA, Vrije Universiteit Brussels, Brussels
Workshop; Two days Workshop: Philosophical Perspectives in Understanding Quantum Mechanics; 2009
Institución organizadora:
Center Leo Apostel
Several years ago David Mermin presented what he called the Ithaca interpretation of quantum mechanics (IIQM) which focuses on the possible development of a relational account of physical reality. The IIQM founds its solid ground on the so called SSC theorem which states that subsystem correlations (for any resolution of the system into subsystems) are enough to determine the state of the entire system uniquely. There are however two no go theorems, namely, Cabello’s theorem and Seevinck’s theorem which block the possibility of interpreting correlations as actual elements of (local) physical reality. In this presentation we will address the tension which appears from the mutual co-existence of the SSC theorem on the one hand, and Cabello’s and Seevinck’s theorems on the other. We will show that there is a valuable lesson to be learn in relation to correlations and their meaning in terms of elements of physical reality.