congresos y reuniones científicas
Crisis and the Unconscious: Another Look at the Lifeworld
Workshop; New phenomenological perspectives on the Crisis and the Lifeworld; 2018
Institución organizadora:
Bergische Universität Wuppertal - University of Buenos Aires
In his last published work, the Crisis of the European Sciences, Husserl introduces the question of the lifeworld (Lebenswelt) in connection with his diagnosis of a crisis in the modern sciences and in opposition to the self-understanding these sciences have of the ?world? and also of consciousness. Despite the theoretical achievements and the material ?prosperity? modern sciences have brought about, Husserl claims that they have been progressively losing sense for human life. Now once this preliminary diagnosis on the crisis is established, Husserl proceeds to examine its origins, and advocates a new, phenomenological "critique of reason". We claim that such a critique must include dealing with the questions of affection and the unconscious. This paper examines first the issue of affection in order to clarify the framework within which Husserl introduces the problem of the unconscious. Second, it deals with a description of sleep in its twofold mode of dreamless sleep and dream, as well as with the ways of accessing these phenomena. A last section is devoted to the connection of dreaming with the living body, whereby a clue is offered in order to enlighten the initial problem of the crisis.El texto será publicado en un volumen colectivo por la editorial Peter Lang, Berna, Suiza.