BELVEDERE Carlos Daniel
congresos y reuniones científicas
From the epoché of the natural attitude to the the epoché of the transcendental phenomenological reduction. On the Schutzian way of doing phenomenology
Kaohsiung (Taiwán)
Workshop; 2019 Workshop on Revisit of Phenomenological Reduction: Husserl and Schutz as Focus; 2019
Institución organizadora:
Center of Phenomenological Research and College of Liberal Arts, National Sun Yat-sen University
In my paper I will address two issues concerning the performance of the epoché in Schutz. First I will describe the natural attitude and the role played in its constitution by the epoché peculiar of this realm. Then I will describe five different, concatenated steps we can take starting from it in reach of the transcendental realm and the kind of epoché that give us access to it. I will conclude discussing to what extent Schutz himself practiced all this sorts of methodological procedures. I will observe that the core of his practice of phenomenology is to be found in the description of the constitutional mechanisms of the natural attitude.