MARENGO Maria cecilia
congresos y reuniones científicas
PBL for sustainable Cities, an experience in the initial level of architecture teaching.
Conferencia; CityLab Final Conference PBL for Sustainable Cities; 2018
Institución organizadora:
Erasmis Programm- European Union- Universidad del Rosario
Centered on problem based learning, we present an experience at the initial level of the Architecture career in the Chair of Architecture IB of the Faculty of Architecture at National University of Córdoba. The teaching of architecture always considers the simulation of situations of reality, which need to be understood for the proposal of a building project. In the initial level (first year) buildings of low complexity are designed, oriented to the project of a neighborhood institution (such as health centers, exhibition centers, educational centers, neighborhood library, among other possible topics.) The chair belongs to a faculty of a public university and is characterized by a massive student population. In 2017, it began its activities with 440 students distributed in 8 workshops. The great diversity in the profile of the students is a challenge when applying the teaching methodology.The objectives of the paper are: to present didactic innovations in the experiences developed in the workshop that allowed us to articulate the PBL learning methodology and to formulate considerations on its implementation and necessary adjustments to program the module with this orientation. We hypothesize that it is possible to consolidate this pedagogical experience in the initial contexts of high education, even in the particular case of the massive context of our faculty. We question ourselves:1. To what extent does the student at the initial level have the autonomy to develop an active, integrated and constructive learning method that stresses learning to learn and learning by doing?2. What results were achieved with the PB learning approach, in this specific context of application? During the course we could observed that the student developed autonomy to conceptualize and solve the design problem proposed and this condition it is favored by the PBL. In the initial level the possibilities of incorporating the interdisciplinary approach are limited; however it is possible to advance in a constructivist approach to the knowledge in an architectural-urban design problem in a massive context of teaching.