PAL Nelida Marcela
congresos y reuniones científicas
Experiments in bone technology: A methodological approach to functional analysis on bone tools
Santa Catarina
Congreso; XVI World Congresso of UISPP; 2011
Institución organizadora:
Universidades Federal de Santa Catarina
33rd Commission UISPP  -  Session 35 Traceology today: Methodological issues in the Old World and the Americas     Workshop:  Technological and functional approaches to osseous materials:  a summary of the past decade       Experiments in bone technology: A methodological approach to functional analysis on bone tools   Myrian ALVAREZ, María Estela MANSUR and Nélida PAL Laboratorio de Antropología – CONICET-CADIC - Argentina       The study of bone tools represents a key-element for the investigation of many hunther-gatherer-fisher societies. In the case of those that inhabited the extreme south of America, bone technology had a particular importance concerning both the frequency and the diversity of tools design. Consequently, the identification of the uses to which bone artifacts were devoted constitutes a fundamental problem in order to understand their socio-economical dynamics. For this reason, some years ago we started a research project oriented towards functional analysis of bone instruments. In that project we developed an experimental program aiming to characterize and distinguish the microscopic traces produced by three different processes: manufacturing of various types of bone artifacts, their utilization, and the alterations resulting from taphonomical processes. With these objectives in mind, different experimental bone tools were manufactured, and then used to work different materials. Afterwards, microwear analysis was carried out, by means of different optical devices and magnifications (stereomicroscope, reflected light microscope and scanning electron microscope). In this communication we present the methodology and results obtained and discuss their implications for microwear analysis of bone tools.