congresos y reuniones científicas
New market for rural work and domestically produced resources in an andean community. (Salta, Argentina).
Río de Janeiro
Congreso; X Congreso mundial de Sociología Rural y XXXVII Congreso brasileño de Economía y Sociología rural.; 2000
Institución organizadora:
Internacional Rural Sociology Asociation y Asociación Latinoamericana de Sociología Rural.
New market for rural work and domestically produced resources in an Andean community. (Salta, Argentina).   Luis Daniel Hocsman*   Abstract The changes which have been produced in the regional economic structure of the Argentine North East and in the sugar-producing area in particular (market globalization, introduction of modern production methods and shrinking demands for seasonal labor) are directly affecting and modifying the dynamics of social reproduction in the domestic sector    which has been historically involved in the seasonal labor market The purpose of this project is to present the consequences of this process reflected in a new organization of local production operations, which are seen in the notable reduction of seasonal migrations and in the intensification of production methods based on the domestic management of predial production practices.  Our study is taking place in San Isidro (Salta Province, Argentina). The aboriginal community involved is defined by its pastoral/agricultural subsistence economy combined with seasonal migration of day labor outside the local area. The production system, at the moment, is based on subsistence agriculture and cattle farming with seasonal migration to winter/summer pastures, with very little participation in the market economy.   * Centro de Investigaciones y Cátedra de Antropología Socio-cultural de la Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades de la Univesidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina). Pograma de Doctorado en Antropología Social de la Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata (Argentina).