ZUSMAN Perla Brigida
congresos y reuniones científicas
Patagonia's landscape inthe 1930's. The vision of the American Geographical Review (1933-1939) (conferencia)
Santiago de Chile
Workshop; Escuela de Invierno. Imaginarios geográficos de la Patagonia. Lenguajes, discursos y regionalización urbana.; 2017
Institución organizadora:
Universidad Friedrich Schiller, Universidad de chile
In October 1933, José Anesi organized in Argentina the Revista Geográfica Americana (RGA, American Geographical Review). Since its creation, image was the main source of communication of the Revista Geográfica Americana. The purpose of the presentation is to understand the role that this review played to valorize Argentine areas through the invention and dissemination of landscapes conceived as aesthetic representations typical of Argentina. In particular, we will attempt to identify the special features used by the review to depict Patagonian landscapes.We will identify different types of imaginations that participated in landscape construction: first, those that related to the representation of National Parks as spaces where the myth of Arcadia is replicated; then, those linked to the recognition of plateau areas, or hills, lakes or glaciers located in the Patagonian Andes. These areas were shown as unexplored or unknown, and the role of travelers was associated to that played by pioneers in their attempts to tame nature. Finally, we will present a set of imaginations that will question the idea of Patagonia as a landscape without indigenous peoples, turning visible the invisible, or that put to question the borderline perspective developed by scientific and/or geopolitical discourses