HUBERT Matthieu Pierre
congresos y reuniones científicas
Nanoscience and nanotechnology: How has an emerging area on the scientific agenda of the core countries been adopted and transformed in Latin America?
Bloomington, Indiana
Workshop; Studying Science and Technology in Latin America: Beyond Imported Magic; 2012
Institución organizadora:
Indiana University
One of the main problems facing STS studies in Latin America lies with questioning the relevance of public policies in social, cultural and economic contexts that are considered "peripheral." A particular feature that we analyze in this chapter is the way in which emerging thematic priorities and science policy models circulate among central and peripheral countries. Throughout the past ten years, the majority of Latin American countries have adopted some sort of policy to drive research and development (R&D) in nanoscience and technology (NanoS&T). In this article we intend to analyze NanoS&T programs in Latin America, highlighting the existence of opposing forces. On one side, we call attention to the phenomenon of the transference of emerging scientific-technological themes to countries considered as "developing" or "peripheral" and the implications in terms of objectives, instruments and ways of organizing the research in that field.  On the other, we explore how local factors, such as scientific traditions and capabilities, the role of international collaborations, and the relationship with industry, among others, give particular traits to the effective development of NanoS&T in those countries, beyond the common rhetoric in their policies. Among these opposing forces there is some space for maneuvers that is disputed by diverse actors to influence the development of NanoS&T in the region. We begin by presenting the discourses, instruments and objectives of national scientific policies in different Latin American countries. Then we focus on the strategies and orientation of research conducted under that umbrella. In particular, we identify the key mechanisms of convergence and divergence at play, showing that these fundamentally concern the pre-existing thematic specialization and industrial capabilities, the central role of international research networks, and the role of particular scientific communities, foundations or companies.