PRAMPARO Mercedes Beatriz
congresos y reuniones científicas
Granos de Polen de Primitivas Angiospermas en el Cretacico inferior de la Cuenca de San Luis y su distribucion en otras cuencas cretacicas de Argentina
Sierra Negra, Brasil
Simposio; 5 Simposio sobre o Cretaceo do Brasil; 1999
Institución organizadora:
UNESP Rio Claro, Sao Paulo
ABSTRACT. The occurrence of pollen grains belonging to primitive angiosperms genera in La Cantera Formation (Aptian-Lower Albian), San Luis Basin, central-western Argentina, is mentioned in the present contribution. This paper is based on new and revised data from two outcrops of Sierra del Gigante, San Luis Province, central-western Argentina. The studied material was assigned to: Afropollis jardinus, A.operculatus, A.zonatus, Afropollis spp, Clavatipollenites hughesii, Clavatipollenites sp.1, Stellatopollis barghoorni, Brenneripollis peroreticulatus, Retimonocolpites spp., Liliacidites cf. tectatus, Liliacidites sp., Huitrinipollenites transitorius, Stephanocolpites mastandreai. The common presence of the studied species of angiosperms in other Cretaceous basins of Argentina is discussed. It is concluded that there are two records of Affropollis in Argentina, in Neuquen and San Luis basins (30° and 38° south latitude) in Aptian sediments; tricolpate pollen grains appear in Argentina in the Albian of Neuquen Basin; Stellatopollis barghoornii and Brenneripollis peroreticulatus are mentioned for the first time in Argentina, in San Luis Basin; the angiosperms grains belonging to the Asteropollis (Huitrinipollenites/Stephanocolpites) group are present in all lower Cretaceous angiosperms assemblages of Argentina. The present account is part of a systematic research of the angiosperms pollen of San Luis Basin, which is in preparation.