MIRANDA Lidia Raquel
congresos y reuniones científicas
Términos metafóricos y norma moral en la exégesis alegórica de Ambrosio de Milán
Congreso; XI Congreso Internacional Latín Vulgar-Latín Tardío; 2014
Institución organizadora:
Universidad de Oviedo
The cognitive perspective in the lexical and semantic analysis allows the survey of different linguistic elements ?phrases, words, morphemes? in order to reconstruct the conceptual schemata through different expressive resources used in the language. So, following in part that epistemological frame, this paper focuses in the metaphorical representation arising from the lexical and semantic study of some expressions registered in Paradise (Par.), first exegetical text composed by Ambrose of Milan in IVth century. In this treatise, the Christian writer accomplishes a commentary on Genesis, therefore the aim is to examine the words denoting the concepts of sin (prevaricatio) and repent (reversio) to comprehend their symbolic basis and their influence on the moral rule sustained by the author. Besides, the comparison between these references and the same ones in Hebrew and Greek will let consider the different cultural and religious implications they have in the diverse languages. Together with then, other words in the treatise are observed to enlighten the moral sense of the text as a result of the reading of the metaphorical projections.