DELFINO Gisela Isabel
congresos y reuniones científicas
Predictors of offline and online political participation in Argentina
Congreso; 40th Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP); 2017
Institución organizadora:
Sociedad Internacional de Psicología Política
Digital media enable the emergence of different activities that provide new ways of participating in social and political life. The study of the relationship between political participation and the use of the internet in Latin America presents few antecedents. In terms of access penetration in the Latin American region, Argentina is in third place, after Chile and Venezuela (Pew Research Center,2015,March). A 66% of the Argentinean population over the age of 10, have access to Internet (INDEC, 2015). With the aim of analyzing political participation both on Internet and off internet, in the frame of a cross-cultural study directed by James Liu, a sample of 1103 participants was obtained. After voting, which is a compulsory action in Argentina, people tend to attend a political rally, participate in any demonstrations, protests, or marches (12.7%frequently) and participate in groups that took any local action for social or political reform (11.3%frequently). Men and younger people tend to be more active in general. Offline participation (conventional actions) is predicted (R2corrected=.425) by having relatives or friends involved in political actions or issues, talking about politics online or offline, being more active in internet (upload, share or write comments), sex and age. Online participation (conventional actions like creating a petition or donating but online) is predicted (R2corrected=.319) by talking about politics online, having relatives or friends involved in political actions or issues, being more active in internet, sex, age, and political efficacy. We discuss results focusing on online political participation and the influence of new technologies.