congresos y reuniones científicas
Cost-effective solar cells containing copper indium chalcogenides prepared by silar method
Santa Barbara
Workshop; Workshop on Emerging Materials for Thin Film Solar Cells; 2011
Institución organizadora:
University of California. International Center for Materials Research
A new solar cell architecture of two components or heterojuntion 3D allows to use inexpensive inorganic semiconductor materials and preparation techniques. The key is to compatibilize low cost semiconductor-deposition methods.ZnO films have been prepared by electrodeposition from aqueous solutions. Compact, porous and doped samples can be prepared by changing the composition of the electrolytic bath and fine-tuning the electrochemical parameters. The deposition method of CuInSe2 (layer p-) was adjusted and optimized to conserve the properties of ZnO (layer n-) using successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction (SILAR). The as-deposited films are treated at 400 ◦C in argon atmosphere and etched in KCN solution to remove detrimental secondary phases. The glass/TCO/ZnO/CuInSe2/graphite solar cell prototype have been characterized employing grazing incident X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive scanning spectroscopy and IV curves in dark/ light (simulated solar radiation) condition. Relevant semiconductor parameters have been calculated. .Preliminary results showed an excellent rectification ratio in dark condition, but without response under photonic incidence yet.Nevertheless, it is necessary to continue adjusting certain parameters such as thickness of films and analyze the incorporation of TiO2 or In2S3 buffer layers.