MANZO Silvia Alejandra
congresos y reuniones científicas
Self-preservation between the laws of nature and natural law
Workshop; Self-Care and Self-Preservation, c. 1400-1650; 2017
Institución organizadora:
Universidad de Gante
Even if there are exchanges of meanings, parallels and continuities occurring between the concepts of preservation and the concepts of law in natural philosophy, psychology, ethics, political philosophy, and jurisprudence, it is my hypothesis that there are relevant differences worth to be explored which perhaps would find out that self-preservation was a more complex concept than the scholarship usually had claimed. The natural philosophical meanings of law have been in many cases imported and adapted from the conceptual developments of law in the realm of jurisprudence, ethics, and theology. However, the concepts of laws of nature circulating in the early modern period by no means could be identified with the concept(s) of natural law maintained in jurisprudence. In the same way, even if the strive for preservation was considered as a fundament of natural, moral and political order, the ways in which preservation was pursued and the potential conflicts that it produced were different in material bodies, individuals and society.